Isn’t it time to park your car back in the garage?
One of the first places you start your day, is in the garage driving to work.
One of the last places you end your day is pulling into the garage.
It is best not to be stressed by the mess in the garage on a daily basis. Has your garage become a catch all, for toys, tools, storage, or sports equipment?
I bet you only use half of what is in the garage.
Is it worth being stressed over the mess in the garage, especially if you could pass items on to someone who could really use them?
Get rid of anything that isn’t useful. Clutter weighs you down in many ways.
Regina Brett
“See what one hour of organizing and decluttering can do for your garage! Your car will thank you, and so will your family.”
Being stuck at home, believe it or not, is an organizer’s dream come true! When else would I have touched the junk drawer, or the many old cookbooks on the book shelf. I start a pile of books to give away. Some were outdated, or never used. As long as I have a project to work on, I can get through the day.