Take a good look at old clutter in your house.
Has it been a while since you last looked inside that box in the basement, or the closet in your office?
You may have totally forgotten about what you have stored away.
Make your bed every morning. I highly recommend it. One of my favorite books is titled “MAKE YOUR BED” by Admiral William H. McRaven. He says that, “Little things can change your life…and maybe the world”.
Once you start to declutter your home:
Your mindset changes
You get better with practice
You get motivated to fill up your donation box
You can let go easier
When most people think about self care, they think meditation, yoga, massage, exercise, and a healthy diet.
Decluttering is just as important to self-care. Clutter in your home can cause stress. You might be embarrassed or frustrated by all the clutter.
Try to keep your emails to under 200. That way you won’t be stressed when you see the total number on your phone. Don’t just delete emails, unsubscribe, too! Make a game out of it!
Every week it piles up, such as incoming mail, packages, papers, receipts, and delayed decisions on whether to keep items, or where to store new items.
One hour of focus and direction from our expert can make a huge impact on your living space.
Using Feng Shui principles, we can give you the perfect area in your very own home to cultivate your yoga practice!
Being stuck at home, believe it or not, is an organizer’s dream come true! When else would I have touched the junk drawer, or the many old cookbooks on the book shelf. I start a pile of books to give away. Some were outdated, or never used. As long as I have a project to work on, I can get through the day.