The corona virus pandemic is upon us. I am at high risk for this virus, so I stay home, and have no visitors! This is an organizers dream come true. When else would I have touched the junk drawer, or the many old cookbooks on the book shelf. I start a pile of books to give away. Some were outdated, or never used. As long as I have a project to work on, I can get through the day.
All this clutter in my family room and kitchen is just stuck “chi,” the Chinese equivalent of the word energy.
I feel lighter and happier knowing those books are off my shelf. Now I will use the cookbooks I love. And so it goes for all clutter.
I’m not always in the mood to declutter, so when I am, it is my top priority!
The energy is moving around the house. Every time I open a cabinet, or a drawer in the kitchen, I feel compelled to thin it out. That is not what happens on a normal day!
There were books in the office, I noticed were not being used. See what develops when you start decluttering. It is great to have books in the house, but sometimes they need to be passed on, to someone that will read the books. Simple, yet profound.
I feel productive, and have a little more room to be creative now. Try to focus your attention on one area, or subject, when you dive into your clutter. It works every time!
So now get busy diving into your clutter. You won’t even notice that two hours have just passed! Stay home, and stay well.
“Try to focus your attention on one area or subject, when you dive into your clutter. It works every time!”