Try to keep your emails to under 200. That way you won’t be stressed when you see the total number on your phone. Don’t just delete emails, unsubscribe, too! Make a game out of it!
I recommend starting with today's email. Start deleting those emails you know you won’t read, and start unsubscribing. Soon, the emails you delete repeatedly will forward automatically to your spam folder.
You will start to make this a daily habit.
My suggestion is to pick 2 to 3 categories in your email pile. Start off deleting old email from retail stores. This is an easy one. Search for a particular retail store, and select “delete all”. Don’t worry, the retail stores send daily emails. Start filing important emails into a corresponding “email folder”.
Many of your emails will become less relevant as you glance at them.
If you make a game out of clearing your email, the number will become more important than all those pesky emails. If you have a busy week, the emails can pile up. Don’t give up. Just set aside 10 minutes to clear those emails. We can’t always control what happens during the day, but we can control the number of emails in our phone and on our computers.