Take a good look at old clutter in your house.
Has it been a while since you last looked inside that box in the basement, or the closet in your office?
You may have totally forgotten about what you have stored away. It could be sentimental items from your childhood, or your children’s old toys and books, old photos or papers saved. It could be extra blankets or clothes you wanted to keep. There may be books on your bookshelf you aren’t interested in anymore.
Time has moved on, and so have you.
You even wonder, why you kept those items in the first place?
I have found that even two days later, it makes a difference in letting go of saved items. Suddenly, I am ready to donate, recycle, or throw items away.
Start a donation box today, and see how fast in one week you will have it filled up. An empty laundry basket works well also.
Challenge garbage day, and see how much clutter can walk out the front door!
It is a win now. You wonder, what else can I get rid of? What else can be passed on to someone else, or the recycling bin? You are building momentum. Good job!
So look again! You may find old clutter right in front of you- those boxes you thought you could never part with.
It’s a new day!!